Buy SAT Tutoring with Alyssa

Buy SAT Tutoring with Alyssa

from $500.00

Personalized online (Zoom) SAT instruction from our experts - in traditional 1.5-hour classes or broken up into micro-sessions. Alyssa will work 1:1 with you to determine how to best utilize the time together to see the greatest increase in your SAT score.

Here’s what you’ll be able to do with Alyssa:

  • learn the proprietary strategies we’ve perfected for 10+ years

  • calm test anxiety and learn tools to manage it in real time on the test

  • plug your content holes and learn to think strategically about the test - all the while boosting critical thinking skills!

Alyssa is an expert in retention strategies and motivation and will coach your student into confidence.

If you’re not sure how many hours you should purchase or would like more details, send us an email at

Buy a package of hours to decrease the hourly rate - get more than 10% off!

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